In order to meet the demands of high volume production dataActive™ created re:serve, a revolutionary job management system. Engineered from the ground up to be dynamically scaleable across multiple processor nodes, re:serve provides a distributed processing environment that is both easy to deploy and cheap to maintain and extend.
re:serve offers a unified job loading mechanism that allows delivery via web upload (FTP drop, email and web service calls can be considered). Processed jobs are generally retrieved via web-based download. re:serve also allows job status to be tracked and monitored via web service calls allowing seamless integration with other management systems.
Processor resources are continually monitored by re:serve to ensure maximum performance and availability. re:serve will dynamically allocate rendering tasks to all available processors making effective use of all available resources. Designed for multiuser environments, re:serve will automatically 'time-slice' processing assets between users guaranteeing fair and balanced usage for all.
Automated validation and error detection ensures that users are notified of production problems quickly and built-in multi-level redundancy allows swift recovery from hardware and network failures without manual intervention. All rendering requests and responses processed through re:serve are automatically indexed and archived allowing efficient recovery on demand.